EH-REK: Ecohydrologic rehabilitation of recreational reservoirs “Arturówek” (Łódź) as a model approach to rehabilitation of urban reservoirs.

Uniwersytet Łódzki
Łódzka Spółka Infrastrukturalna
Miasto Łódź

Project UE, LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance Programme, LIFE08 ENV/PL/000517 Scientific coordinator: prof. dr hab. Maciej Zalewski, Project coordinator: dr Tomasz Jurczak

Place and duration of
the project implementation


Project costs

City: Łódź, Voivodship: łódzkie
Poviat: Łódź, Community: Bałuty: 

Duration of project implementation:
01/01/2010 - 31/12/2014

University of Lodz (1)

Miasto Łódź, MOSiR (2)
Łódzka Spółka Infrastrukturalna Sp. z o.o.(3)

Total project cost: 1 244 319 €
Total eligible costs: 1 011 069 €
EU contribution: 489 157 €
NFOŚiGW contribution: 451 612 €
Contribution of the associated
beneficiaries: 303 550 €
(in it WFOŚiGW in Lodz contribution: 1 013 625 zł)